

DNN Summit Business Roundtable Session Info

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This year the community has a new element to expect at the conference. In the past there’s always been conference attendees saying things that follow the same common thread… remarks such as “I got a lot of value simply from conversations with others while at the conference”, “I wish there was a session dedicated to running a DNN business”, or “I wish there was just an open discussion session where anyone could ask questions related to leveraging DNN in a business”. If you were one of those people then you will be happy to see the addition of the “Business Roundtable” session at DNN Summit! 

DNNCon is Now DNN Summit

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As technologists we are accustomed to change. Change happens all around us every day. From hardware to software, to coding languages, techniques and patterns, the pace of change is rapid. At this point in time we find ourselves on the brink of more change, but this change is not so much in code or hardware, but rather in organization and identity.


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