
It’s 2021 and Summit is Fast Approaching

It’s 2021 and Summit is Fast Approaching

| News, Community

Among the many good things that 2021 will bring is the DNN Summit where the best and brightest in the community will gather to share news, tips, and questions about our favorite CMS platform.

It’s February 24 and 25, 2021, on, and only $199.

Register Now

This year’s conference is fully virtual. This will easily fit into your schedule. No traveling hassles or costs. Just click on a link and you’re there! And a low registration fee fits into anyone’s budget.

What You’ll See

This conference has sessions for everyone! If you develop software, you want to know about DNN, the best CMS platform in the Microsoft ecosystem. Focus on building your business solutions while DNN provides all your security and webpage management for you.

Are you responsible for a business website? Do you run a website agency, building sites for your clients? DNN is a great platform, and it’s open-source! Get the security of Microsoft, the page building power of DNN, and a wealth of extensions from a large community of companies.

DNN Summit is where you want to be to learn how to get started and keep growing. 2 full days of sessions with useful knowledge; 4 timeslots each day, and 4 topics in each time slot. One session alone is worth the price of admission, and since most sessions are recorded, you get even more.

As we get into new projects in the new year, it’s easy to push off registration until later. Don’t do it! You’ll forget, then kick yourself for missing it. Sign up now!

February 24th & 25th, 2021  ·  Only $199

Hosted virtually via

Register Now

We look forward to seeing you there. And watch for helpful messages about how to use the conference platform as the time approaches.

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